Did you know Friends of Night People serves over 1000 meals a week! That takes a lot of work and a lot of volunteers! Become part of our volunteer network to alleviate hunger and homelessness in our community.
We Need Your Help
Our volunteers are an essential part of Friends of Night People’s mission. Our dedicated volunteers help to serve our guests and assure that no one leaves hungry.
Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteering builds a sense community spirit and engagement unlike anything else. It is an amazing team building experience and makes a real and significant impact in your community. It has also been shown to increase self-confidence, combats depression and helps your body and mind stay active and healthy. Good for you and good for the community! Win-win!
Join our Team
Becoming a volunteer is easy. Head to our ‘Get Involved’ page and fill out a volunteer registration. Once you have completed your registration you can sign up for shifts up to 3 months in advance using our volunteer portal. Hope to see you soon!